
Focus Group Discussions

We organized focus groups and interviews with members from Atletico Rinkeby and Swedish Youth Networkers. We discussed with them their perceptions of risk and threats in their community. Simultaneously altogether, we tried to identify the existing social elements in their community and examine what role young people can play to build resilience in it. We aimed, as well, to involve them in the project processes, to become partners in producing knowledge.



Tullinge Gymnasium (www.tullingegymnasium.se) was our testing ground for the first experience with images, the visual questionnaire. We met a group of five young female students with different ethnic backgrounds. The experiment showed to be very fruitful; their feedback helped us to adjust it for its general use at later stages of the project. The pedagogic team of the center was interested in future collaboration, specifically to work with the language introduction (newcomers) and science groups.



We invited the members of the Swedish Youth Networkers to participate in the project to form a core group of young participants that would work with us throughout the project processes. We presented the main research ideas in connection to how using visual arts and imaging. We introduced the participants to the technique of photography and how social aspects can be reflected through imagery.


photo-research process

We run regular working sessions with the core group for three months. We did lots of shootings and conversations before and after each session. Through the different visual performative actions, the participants identified several themes that represent threats and risks at local, national, and global levels. Based on the results obtained, we designed a thematic working line for each participant. We focused on portrait and city environment.


performace workshop

A one-week workshop was organized, to shift from photography to body action and performance. With the guidance of a theater director and a technical team, the group created and rehearsed a participatory performance. Some other members of Swedish Youth Networkers joined the core group.


final public performance

February the 2nd, Saturday, Folkets Husby: towards the end of the process, a participatory performance on urban issues of risk and resilience was brought to general audiences. Researchers, the core group participants, and citizens, investigated social themes and preoccupations in a joint effort. All together were engaged in finding new answers and building knowledge. Beyond the process of mutual learning, they created further actions meant not only to describe reality but to change it.